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If you are the victim of a drunk driving accident in Florida an attorney can help you to understand your rights as defined by the law. The state of Florida has an extensive collection of rights for the victims of DUI related accidents and any injuries incurred as a result of these accidents. These laws were enacted as an attempt to make people aware of the fact that it is not OK to get behind the wheel of any vehicle when you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

- Steven S. Farbman

According to an attorney a Florida drunk driving accident case involves both a criminal and a civil component that must be dealt with in a court of law. The state’s prosecuting attorney will be in charge of handling the criminal charges if they involve DUI death, DUI manslaughter or in the case of multiple DUI charges and the criminal court will handle all sentencing in this area.


To understand the civil laws governing civil cases regarding a drunk driving accident in Florida an attorney is a must, you should never rely solely on the criminal courts for any form of compensation. In Florida a civil DUI case is comprised of the auto accident claim whereby the victim attempts to be compensated for the damage to their property or the injuries they received. There is also the criminal aspect of the case where the victim must prove that the person who caused the accident was indeed drunk according to Florida law and operating a motor vehicle.


In the case of a drunk driving accident a Florida attorney need only be able to convince the jury in the civil case that the accused was most likely intoxicated at the time of the accident to find them guilty and responsible for the damages being sought by the victim. The criminal courts are not there to satisfy the compensatory aspect of the case, the victim must make use of an attorney and the civil court system by filing an injury claim.


After a drunk driving accident a Florida attorney may choose to invoke Florida’s Dram Law, this law was designed to allow the victims of these types of accidents to sue the person or business responsible for serving the accused alcohol. The law is usually applied in cases where a bar or establishment that sells alcohol served a minor, someone who was visibly drunk or someone with a known alcohol addiction. If the qualifications under the Dram Law are met the victim has the right to sue the establishment for a part of or all of the damages caused by the accident.


It takes an experienced drunk driving accident lawyer in Florida to help you figure out where you stand as the victim. The laws are complex and are not something that can be handled by any lawyer. You need one that is a board certified civil trial lawyer and has years of experience taking these types of cases to trial. You need Steven Farbman and his staff at the Law Offices of Steven S. Farbman on your side. They will bring over 38 of trial experience to the table on your side to make sure that you get the compensation you deserve.

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